söndag 15 mars 2009

Called for interview...

When I hadn't received a mail from VFSN within the time limit (which was the 15th of march) I had given up all hope for this opportunity. It was probably to good to be true...

But then, in the early hours on 16th of march I received a mail telling me that they were interested in meeting me and that I should come to Stockholm the 4th of April. I had to read this mail 10 times, over and over again. TO be sure that I had understood it right.

Wow, I made it! I am now one of 11 people who has been called to a interview the 4th of April in Stocholm.

I could barley sleep that week. I was soooo excited. But then I also needed to prepare myself for the interview. But, how will a interview for these kind of "jobs" go along? I had a hard time figuring out all the different questions there might be on this one...

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