I'm still here in Härnösand, trying to learn some Spanish...
It's a bit tricky, but I think I'll manage it, eventually. I'm staying at Sidas accommodation center Lönnebo here in Härnösand.

I've been on several long walks (2-4 hours each time) in the forest nearby, to boost my energy. And I've taken some pictures of what you can find in the Swedish forest up north (same in the south actually). But sadly, most of the things I found isn't eatable :(

And the view from the watchtower Vårdkasen at the hill next to town:

Last week Isabell and I had to change room, and are now staying in two single rooms instead. A bit boring actually :( But the room was nice. Here are some pictures of it:

But what have I've been doing during this past 3-4 weeks?? besides taking long walks and hang around with my buddies... Well, I've also attended in Sida's PRA 092 course, for prospective aid workers. We've been talking about:
-Causes of poverty and penance
-Region knowledge (for me: Latin America)
-Democracy ABC
-Psychology and personal security
-International policy documents
-First Aid
-Sida´s work and expectations of us
-Perspective: Gender, Peace and conflicts, HIV/AIDS, Sustainable development
-Photo course
-Writing course
-Seen some very good and thought-provoking documentaries ("Vilka bönder skall få överleva?" and "Bullshit")
and now 2 weeks of Spanish (last week now)...
I'll have 2 more weeks of Spanish lessons in Nicaragua later on as well. But after that I'm on my own!
It has been 3 very nice weeks and it's a bit sad that it's only 3 nights left here... But I have to go back home and start packing for my big trip!!! Wow, it's only 2 weeks left until departure now! =)
Hasta la vista amigos!